August 2013 Edition

Worldviews in Conflict Part 9
In this series we have traced the development of societal ideology from premodern to postmodern times. In this development, humanity replaced God as the center of the Western worldview. In our final installment, we will consider the effects Secular Humanism has on the culture at large. Read the rest of the article here.

Jesus Christ Superstar
This month, in Jordan McGehee's "food for thought" article, he reflects: Are you ready for greatness? Are you sure? Read the article here.

Rev Lou Tiscione Preaching
On Sunday evening, August 25th, Rev Lou Tiscione will be our guest speaker. Lou is pastor of Weatherford Presbyterian Church and beloved fellow laborer in the ministry of the Gospel. Service begins at 6:30 PM.

Parables of Jesus Bible Study
We are continuing our Bible study, "Parbles of Jesus," by RC Sproul. No book is required. The Bible study meets on Monday evenings at 7:00 P.M. Nursery is provided. Please join us for this wonderful time of fellowship and study of God's Word.