February 2012 Edition

Relationships: A Matter of Spiritual Warfare Pt. 2
Pastor Stan Jr continues his series on relationships. In part one of this series he acknowledged the reality of spiritual warfare while observing that contemporary approaches to the subject tend to one extreme or another. However, the Scripture speaks of spiritual warfare in very practical terms. Read his article here.

New Testament Survey Luke - Romans
Steve Bader began his New Testament survey during adult Sunday School class and has covered the books of Luke through Romans. Read the summary of what he has covered so far here.

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not
In Jordan McGehee's "food for thought" article this month asks: Does God love me no matter what? But do we always act though He does? Read the article here.

Good Friday and Easter Schedule
On Friday April 6th we will have our Good Friday service which will start at 7:30 P.M. On Sunday morning April 8th we will celebrate the rising of our Lord on Easter. Service will be begin at 10:45 A.M. There will be no evening service.

Dr Don Kistler Preaching
Noted author, theologian, and publisher of puritan works Don Kistler will be preaching on Sunday Morning April 22nd. Mark your calender and plan to be with us as he exposits from the Word of God. You find out more about Dr Kistler at his website www.donkistler.org

Monday Night Bible Study
We will continue our Bible study based on the 2004 Ligonier National Conference "A Portrait of God". Many Christians today do not know who God is. Often they come before His presense too lightly, not realizing this is indeed the God who holds their very breath. In this session we will listen to such speakers as R.C. Sproul, Ligon Duncan, Sinclair Ferguson, and many more and study the various attributes of God and how we as His people should respond to them. There is no book for this session so just come in ready for a great time of fellowship and discussion.