July 2011 Edition

What Does it Mean to Be Human?:
Finding the True Nature of Humanity
In this series "What it Means to Be Human", Pastor Stan McGehee Jr dicusses the problems we as humans face in finding out who we are. In part two Pastor Stan McGehee Jr considers where we must look to find the true meaning of humanity. Click here to read the article of the series.

Old Testament Survey Ecclesiastes - Isaiah
Steve Bader continued his Old Testament survey during adult Sunday School class and has covered the books of Ecclesiastes through Isaiah. Read the summary of what he has covered in the last 3 weeks here.

Saint Peter and I
Jordan McGehee's "food for thought" article this month talks about how when we look at Peter's betrayal of Christ, we should look in the mirror as well. Read the article here.

The Idol of Evangelism
In America we are champion idol makers. Jason Bader argues in this article that we as Christians in America have made evangelism the ultimate goal of the Christian, yet it is easy to forget it is God who saves. Read the article here.

Dr Don Kistler Preaching September 18th
Noted author, theologian, and publisher of puritan works Don Kistler will be preaching on Sunday morning September 18th. Mark your calender and plan to be with us as he exposits from the Word of God. You find out more about Dr Kistler at his website www.donkistler.org

Monday Night Bible Study
Monday Nights at 7 PM we are continuing RC Sproul's "Choosing My Religion" for the Monday Night Bible Study. In a world engulfed with false prophesies and theories, we would be mistaken to think our students are not burdened by them. "In Choosing My Religion", Dr. R.C. Sproul addresses the promises that relativism and rebellion make but cannot keep. Even if you do not have this book or need to order please join us as this will be a mixture of book reading, workbook activities, biblical discussion and fellowship.