May 2011 Edition
Ultimate Wedding
As a conclusion to his series "Marriage Supper of the Lamb", Pastor Stan McGehee Jr preached on the "Ultimate Wedding". Click here to read a summary the message.
Old Testament Survey 1 Kings - Ezra
Steve Bader continued his Old Testament survey during adult Sunday School class to uncover the themes that are interlaced rise and fall of the Isreali empire. This is documented from 1 Kings through Ezra. Read his summary of what he has covered in the last several weeks here.
Bible on My iPhone
Jordan McGehee's "food for thought" article talks about the every increasing popularity of using your iPhone or other electronic device to read your Bible. Is it a good idea or not? Read the article here.
Do Miraculous Signs Produce Faith?
This is indeed the age of miracles. Miracles are shown all over tv and the internet everyday. But Jason Bader in this article asks the question: Do miracles equal faith? What does the bible say about miracles? Read the article here.
Celebration for Pastor Stan McGehee Sr
On Sunday June 5th following the Sunday morning service we will celebrate Pastor Stan McGehee Sr's 73rd birthday. This will be a great time of fellowship and special music.
Father's Day Service
On Sunday morning June 21st join us as we remember our fathers. God who is our Heavenly Father provides the basis for our respect for our earthly fathers. Pastor Stan McGehee Jr. will present the message that morning. Also as a reminder we will not have evening service on that Sunday.
New Monday Night Bible Study
Tonight Monday June 16th at 7 PM we will begin RC Sproul's "Choosing My Religion" for the Monday Night Bible Study. In a world engulfed with false prophesies and theories, we would be mistaken to think our students are not burdened by them. "In Choosing My Religion", Dr. R.C. Sproul addresses the promises that relativism and rebellion make but cannot keep. Even if you do not have this book or need to order please join us as this will be a mixture of book reading, workbook activities, biblical discussion and fellowship.