November 2011 Edition

Giving Thanks
In this month's newsletter Pastor Stan McGehee, Jr. reflects on the nature of our society’s thankfulness. We often are thankful for the easy things, but what about the hard things? Read his article here.

Old Testament Survey Haggai - Malachi
Steve Bader concluded his Old Testament survey during adult Sunday School class and has covered the books of Haggai through Malachi. Read the summary of what he has covered and the final summary of the Old Testament here.

Who's the Turkey
In Jordan McGehee's "food for thought" article this month he asks Are you really thankful on thanksgiving? Read the article here.

Advent 2011
The Advent season is upon once again. Please join us as we celebrate the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Please check the website soon for a detailed calendar of the Advent season.

Monday Night Bible Study
In January we will begin a new study based on the 2004 Ligonier National Conference "A Portrait of God". Many Christians today do not know who God is. Often they come before His presense too lightly, not realizing this is indeed the God who holds their very breath. In this session we will listen to such speakers as R.C. Sproul, Ligon Duncan, Sinclair Ferguson, and many more and study the various attributes of God and how we as His people should respond to them. There is no book for this session so just come in ready for a great time of fellowship and discussion.