November 2012 Edition

Worldviews in Conflict Part 1
Our current president generated quite a stir when he declared that we are “no longer just a Christian nation.” However offensive we might find such a statement, for all practical purposes, this has been true for some time. It reflects the general cultural climate the world over. Read his article here.

Black Friday
This month, in Jordan McGehee's "food for thought" article, he reflects: What kind of deal did you get on Friday? Was it worth it? Read the article here.

Reformation Rangers Video
The 2012 Reformation Rangers Video is now available. DVDs are $10 and Blu-Rays are $12. You can request a copy by phone at 817-838-0224, via E-mail at, or request in person at the church.

Advent Calendar
Our Advent calendar is now available for viewing. Click here to see the full schedule and service times.

Monday Night Bible Study
We will resume our Bible study, "Pray With Your Eyes Open", after the first of the year. In this book Pratt offers the reader ways to deal with inadequate prayer lives. He offers biblical direction on how to pray more effectively. Key issues such as honest confession of our needs, form and freedom in prayer and questions such as why pray when God will do whatever He pleases anyway are explored. Check the website or Facebook for the exact date the study will resume.