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Not So Great Expectations 4/5/2020

Easter 2020

As Jesus entered into Jerusalem at the beginning of the Passion Week, He was enthusiastically welcomed by the multitudes as King while the religious leaders looked for a way to kill Him. Both had expectations of Jesus. The people were looking for Jesus to take the throne and mount a military offensive against Rome. The religious leaders decided He must die so the nation would not perish. It turns out that their expectations of what Jesus would do were not too great but not great enough. He came to conquer a much greater foe, secure a much greater deliverance and die for the people, not to keep Rome from retaliating but to cleanse His people from all unrighteousness. It is the nature of fallen humanity to underestimate God’s purpose. We too struggle with “not so great expectations” when it comes to what God has prepared for those who love Him.