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"ABC's of The Sabbath"

The Lord's Day


The Lord's Day is something that we often take for granted. However, the Lord takes it very seriously. Pastor Jack has taken the A,B,C's and has made a point for each one that shows how we should view the Sabbath, the Lord's Day.


Attitude of man towards his Creator is directly related to the diligent observance of the Lord's Day..."discovering their love or hatred...their loyalty or enmity to Jehovah." (A.W. PINK)


"Blessed is the man who... keeps the Sabbath, not profaning it" declares Isaiah 56:2.


Continuing commands to all Christians for their "not neglecting to meet together" is one essential way to grow in the grace and knowledge of God. (Hebrews 10:24-25)


Divine appointment of the Sabbath Day means that "its claims are as binding on us today as they were upon God's people in the Old Testament"


Example for all mankind, not just Jews, God Himself "rested" or was completely satisfied with His Creation, and He divinely blessed this Day.


Flouting the Sabbath and desecrating God's Holy Day, the antediluvians were visited by God's wrath by the flood beginning on that very day.


God's gracious gift of the Sabbath is a means of God's grace in the salvation and sanctification of every Christian.


Holy and sacred use of the Sabbath includes worship of our triune God and the exercise of deeds of mercy, as taught by our Lord Himself.


Instituted by God Himself in the Garden, He blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because in it He rested from all His work. (Genesis 2:2-3).


Jesus Himself taught that deeds of mercy on the Sabbath were to be done, along with corporate worship.


Keeping the Sabbath includes prayer, praise and petitions, offered with joyful and humble hearts by the grateful Christian.


Leaving an example for man in God's rest from His “very good" Creation, God placed His divine blessing on all who observe Sabbath Day to keep it holy. (Mark 2:27)


Mark 2:27-28 makes it clear that the Sabbath brings God's blessing to all men (not just Israel) and that our focus must be on the Lord of the Sabbath.


Never-ending observance of the Sabbath Day was implied by the Holy Spirit in Genesis 2:2-3 in His not mentioning its ending of the seventh day. The clear implication is that the observance of the Sabbath would never end, rehearsing us for that time of we enter our eternal Sabbath rest.


Only the redeemed can offer acceptable Sabbath worship to God.


Pollution of the Sabbath exposesthe depravity of the human heart, with sovereign regeneration being the only remedy for such blatant sin.


Quelling His critics, our Lord sanctioned Sabbath works of mercy Mt 12:1-2


"Right observance of the seventh day lies at the foundation of national happiness and prosperity...affecting its spiritual intelligence, the morality of its social order, and the liberties of its people." (A.W. PINK)


"Sabbath was made for man" is one of the two things God ordained in and that came from a sinless Eden, the other being the ideal marriage.


Truly the Fourth Commandment serves as a trial of the attitude of the creature toward his Creator, being both a moral and religious test of man.Mark is that conflict is inevitable when you live righteously among a sinful nation.


Universally binding is this Fourth Commandment upon all mankind, with God renewing the Holy Sabbath at Sinai (Exodus 20:8-11)


Veneration of the Sabbath on Sunday was taught by Paul in 1 Cor. 16:1-2


Worship on the first day of the week recalls the empty tomb (Mat. 28:1-5)


"Xcuses" for neglecting the Lord's Day will vanish at the Judgment Seat of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:9-10)


Yearning for that certain Day of Christ's return is expressed on the Sabbath.


"Zeroing" in on the Lord in Word, song, and prayer on each Lord's Day is the unique privilege, honor and responsibility of every Christian.

- Jack McFarland
