Raging Against the Right to Life
I am postponing the concluding blog in our series on “The Sacrifices of God’s People” to reflect on the reversal of Roe v. Wade. The egregious federal ruling issued Janusary 3, 1973 mandated access to abortion…
I am postponing the concluding blog in our series on “The Sacrifices of God’s People” to reflect on the reversal of Roe v. Wade. The egregious federal ruling issued Janusary 3, 1973 mandated access to abortion…
In our last post, we considered Paul’s description of our sacrifice to God in Romans 12:1. Through Christ, the Great High Priest, all those He redeems become priests who no longer need an earthly mediator…
In our last post, we considered our priestly duties of bringing spiritual sacrifices before the Father. The Father can only accept our sacrifices of praise, generosity, and good works because Christ has offered Himself as the…
In our last post, we considered how Christ’s work as our Great High Priest has wrought a change in our identity. We have passed from death unto life. We have been rescued from the Kingdom of Darkness…