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Put Away Sins of Resentment 11/6/2016


After warning Christians not to grieve the Holy Spirit, the Apostle deals with sins of resentment that undermine the work of the Spirit. Resentment is the arrogant and indignant disposition adopted when a person feels he has been treated unfairly. When one understands the holiness of God and the sinfulness of humanity, it becomes clear that resentment is never justified. Resentment is the companion to pride. The anger of resentment breeds bitterness which often leads to outbursts of wrath. Arrogant resentment expresses itself verbally in shouting matches and slander. Bitterness, anger, wrath, shouting and slander are all expressions of malice (strong feelings of hostility and ill will). Such vices belong to the old way of life and must be put away by the power of the Holy Spirit.