Welcome to Take Captive!

Take Captive is a blog ministry of Living Word Community Church, a reformed, confessional community of faith, committed to Scriptural authority, seeking to glorify God in life and worship. The goal of this blog is multifaceted. First, we envision this blog as a means for the body of Christ to further engage and explore topics and themes related to the teaching ministries of Living Word Community Church. My weekly blog entry will often explore themes from the previous week’s sermon as well as complementary subjects. Prayerfully, this will be a means for the body of Christ to grow in understanding concerning God’s Word.

Second, the blog will occasionally include articles on various theological and relevant cultural topics. Christians often hold views and beliefs inconsistent with God’s Word. We are not free to believe what we wish, but as the Apostle Paul declares, we must “take every thought captive to obey Christ” (2 Cor 10:5). Hence, as the name of the blog implies, our goal is to help believers develop their Christian worldview using a Biblical paradigm so they are not “tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine” (Eph 4:14). In summary, our goal is to help the Christian to think more Biblically.

Lord willing, my first article will release this coming Tuesday, March 8th.