The Idol of Independence

Yesterday was Independence Day, the annual commemoration of July 4, 1776 when  members of the Continental Congress put quill to paper to ratify the Declaration of Independence.  246 years later, the founding fathers could never have imagined how idolatrous the idea of independence has become.  While few among the most influential 18th century statesmen could be considered committed Christians (many were deists), the framers of the constitution were guided by a strong Judeo-Christian ethic. They were not anarchists.  They not only believed our independence has limits, they understood that there was an objective and transcendent morality to which we must be subject.

Over the past two-and-one-half centuries, the notion of independence has been radicalized by extreme individualism and a narcissistic self-focus in which the person feels free to create their own identity without regard for those among whom they live.  In the past, a feature of maturity was learning to control one’s feelings, acting with restraint and sacrificing one’s desires for the benefit of others.  Today, many consider maturity to be a radical self-indulgence without regard for others.  This is idolatry, the sin of those who refuse to acknowledge the true and living God because they cannot bear not being god themselves.

This radical notion of independence has brought about severe divisions within our country.  The common ground of a Judeo-Christian morality no longer exists.  Morals are now defined within the parameters of self-fulfillment and radical self-indulgence.  Selfishness has replaced self-sacrifice.  Tolerance has been redefined as the rejection of any position contrary to this “new morality.”  Attempts at rational, civil discourse are shouted down by emotional and vitriolic rants.  Anyone who fails to board the “progressive train of cultural change” is in danger of being “cancelled.”  Dissenting worldviews will not be tolerated.

Morals are now defined within the parameters of self-fulfillment and radical self-indulgence.

This has opened the door to unfathomable levels of depravity.  Many in our nation have just concluded the celebration of “Pride Month.”  We were inundated with commercial advertisements from companies eager to “virtue signal” that they are on the “right side of history.”  Cities hosted “Pride Parades” for the general public, including children.  It was 30 days of open displays of debauchery that were considered criminal just over a decade ago.  For those with godly morals it was “shame month.”  Of course, the irony of the moniker, “Pride,” will not be lost on those with a biblical worldview.  In reality, this was “Sin Month” for pride is a sin.

In this chaotic environment, the objective rule of law that once united the nation has severely eroded.  In the past, law promoted thriving and stable families, resulting in thriving and stable communities, making for a thriving and stable nation.  Today, laws are being passed that exalt individual independence and self-expression over the good of the family, community, and nation.

This has resulted is a country more divided than at any time in history, including the Civil War. We not only have a deeply divided and partisan government, the nation is at odds over issues of economics, ecology, criminal justice and constitutional rights.  However, all of these divisions are rooted in questions of morality.  This is what makes the division so stark and unresolvable.

This radical notion of independence leads to utter chaos which, if allowed to run its course, will destroy any sense of freedom and true independence.  Socialists and communists are seeking to remake the nation while anarchists riot in the streets.  Left unchecked, this will inevitably result in a totalitarian state that cannot abide any sense of independence.

Today, laws are being passed that exalt individual independence and self-expression over the good of the family, community, and nation.

The Scripture provides the right perspective on independence.  Freedom from the tyranny of human oppressors is a moral good.  However, this independence is not absolute.  We are contingent creatures, fully dependent upon God for life, breath and everything else (Acts 17:25).  We do not have the right to define ourselves.  God created humanity in His image, male and female.  There are only two genders per God’s design.  He established marriage as the union of one man and one woman whose one flesh relationship is designed for procreation.  This provides for stable families, communities and nations.

We do not have the right to define ourselves.  God created humanity in His image, male and female.  There are only two genders per God’s design. 

While this world is not our home (our primary citizenship is in heaven), we are called to be light and salt to the world around us.  We are not only to pray for those in authority that we might lead quiet and peaceful lives in godliness and dignity (1 Timothy 2:2), we are to seek the welfare of the place of our temporary residence (Jeremiah 29:7).  Following the example of the Apostle Paul, we should also make use of the privileges afforded by our earthly citizenship (Acts 22:25).  Let us pray for wisdom to do so and may the Lord be merciful.