The Mechanics of Sound Theology

In our last post we considered how sound theology impacts our understanding and the way we live.  The essence of sound theology is the application of Scripture to our lives.  God’s Word is given to illuminate the…

Sound Theology and a Life of Meaning

In our last post, we considered the importance of theology in a world where people increasingly define themselves in terms of their feelings and psychological impressions rather objective reality. Today’s society likewise assesses truth subjectively,…

The Idol of Independence

Yesterday was Independence Day, the annual commemoration of July 4, 1776 when  members of the Continental Congress put quill to paper to ratify the Declaration of Independence.  246 years later, the founding fathers could never have imagined…

Raging Against the Right to Life

I am postponing the concluding blog in our series on “The Sacrifices of God’s People” to reflect on the reversal of Roe v. Wade.  The egregious federal ruling issued Janusary 3, 1973 mandated access to abortion…