The Church of Thessalonica
The Final Apostasy and the Antichrist
Paul encourages the saints in Thessalonica to be alert and watch for Christ’s return. He tells them...
Sound Minds Require Sound Doctrine
In 2 Thessalonians 2, Paul addresses error plaguing the young congregation. The saints were...
Concerning Christ's Coming
“I will dwell with you; I will be your God and you will be My people.” This promise is found throughout...
God Must Make Us Worthy of His Calling
Paul tells the Thessalonians saints that he consistently prays for the Lord to make them...
Christ Will Be Glorified in His Saints
In 2 Thess 1, Paul climaxes his description of Christ’s return saying that He...
The Ephiphany of Christ in the Gospel
Scripture speaks of the “appearance” of Christ. The word behind that translation is...
The Judgment of the Wicked
In 2 Thessalonians 1:6-10, Paul describes the judgment God will inflict on the...
The Glorious and Terrifying Revelation of Christ
In 2 Thessalonians, Paul refers to our Lord’s second Advent as the...
The Saving and Avenging God
The saints in Thessalonica were standing fast and faithful while enduring severe...
The Evidence of God’s Righteous Judgment
The Thessalonian saints were remaining steadfast and faithful while suffering...
Thankfully, God Continues His Work in Us
As Paul opens his second letter to the Thessalonians, he says he owes a debt of gratitude to...
Pray, Show Love, Proclaim
As Paul concludes his first letter the the Thessalonians, he leaves the saints with...
Our Sanctifying God of Peace
It is God who sanctifies His people. Our participation in the process of our sanctification is...
Present Sanctification
Our sanctification must be total and complete because our former depravity was...
Complete and Utter Sanctification
After admonishing the saints to live sanctified lives, Paul prays to God for their...
Hold Fast to Good, Refrain From All Evil
In 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22, As Paul brings his admonitions for preserving peace to...
Need We Test Everything?
Paul’s command to “test everything” is simple and straightforward. Coming to...
Do Not Despise Prophecies but Test Everything
The last five commands of 1 Thess 5:12-22 concern discernemnt. It seems that some...
Suppress Not the Spirit
1 Thess 5:19 cautions us against suppressing the work of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is...
Knowing God’s Will for Us in Christ Jesus
God’s commands provide us with the basic shape of His design for our lives. In cases where...
God's Will Is Giving Thanks in Everything
Scripture commands the saints to give thanks in and for all things, without qualification. This requires...
Rejoicing Always Is God’s Will for You
Scripture commands us to pray without ceasing. The Christian life is to be...
Rejoicing Always Is God’s Will for You
The command to rejoice always is not hyperbole. This is confirmed and reinforced by the fact...
Responding Righteously to Offenses
In 1 Thess 5:15 and Rom 12:17, Paul says we must not repay evil with evil but rather respond with good. To take...
Congregational Life: The Work of Ministry
The work of the ministry belongs to the whole body of Christ. Pastors and elders are responsible for...
Congregational Life: Elders and Layman
The work of the ministry is the responsibility of the whole body of Christ and...
Encourage One Another With the Blessed Hope
Paul concludes his lengthy discourse on the Day of the Lord with a command that affirms...
Destined to Obtain Salvation
Paul admonishes the saints to no longer live as they did when they they were sons of darkness, sleeping in...
Living as Sons of Light
We have been rescued from the kingdom of darkness and made sons of light and sons of the day...
Keep Awake and Be Sober
The sons of darkness and of the night are inebriated with the cares of this life and...
Sons of Light and Day
In 1 Thessalonians 4-5, Paul encourages the saints concerning the coming Day of the Lord. That day will...
The Wonderful, Terrible Day of the Lord
In Scripture, “the Day of the Lord” refers to God’s visitation in judgment upon sin and salvation for His people. There have...
Christ's Glorious Return
The language of 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 does not support a “secret rapture” where Jesus covertly whisks...
The Conundrum of Christ's Return
There is much confusion surrounding the events of Christ’s coming. After a survey of the...
Grieving with Hope
While "the rapture” gets most of the attention in 1 Thes 4:13-18, that is not the Apostle’s main point. His concerns...
Living Well-Ordered Lives
In 1 Thessalonians 4:11, Paul gives three admonitions in the context of living as pleases God. We are to...
Aspire to Live Quietly
With Paul’s admonition to "aspire to live quietly,” he’s urging us to be ambitious about living a...
Taught by God to Love the Brethren
While we are called to love (agape) everyone, even our enemies, Scripture reserves...
Taught by God to Love
In 1 Thessalonians 4:9, Paul says the saints have been taught by God to...
Taught by God
At several points in 1 Thessalonians, Paul reminds the saints what he taught them while...
Called Unto Holiness
As Paul finishes his admonition for the Thessalonians to abstain from sexual immorality, he...
Sexual Holiness is Other-Centered
We must know how to exercise self-control over sexual urges so we can behave in a manner that...
Sexual Holiness Requires Self-Control
In 1 Thessalonians 4, Paul explains that the Lord’s will is our sanctification. Many of the converts in Thessalonica were...
Sexual Holiness in an Idolatrous World
In 1 Thessalonians 4, Paul explains that the Lord’s will is our sanctification. Many of the converts in Thessalonica were...
The Nature of Sanctification
Sanctification is God’s will for His people. We are being progressively sanctified through...
God's Will is Our Sanctification
In I Thessalonians 4, Paul begins addressing the practical issues of living a life pleasing to God. In verse...
Living to Please the Lord
Humanity was made in God’s image to glorify Him. True fulfillment is not found in pleasing...
Made Ready for the Savior's Coming
Paul prays that he might to return to Thessalonica to provide further discipleship so these saints might...
The Apostle Paul has been overwhelmed with anxiety over the state of the Thessalonian church. When Timothy returns with...
Mutual Comfort in Distress and Affliction
Paul brought the Gospel to Thessalonica and discipled those who came to Christ. Though he was with...
Embracing Affliction
While Satan is the agent promoting the affliction of God’s people, his intent is...
Destined for Affliction
In 1 Thessalonians 3:3, Paul warns against being moved by afflictions. The Apostle was concerned that...
Coworkers of God
In 1 These 3:2, Paul refers to young Timothy as “God’s coworker in the Gospel of Christ.” The young minister is...
Godly Anxiety?
In Philippians 4:6, Paul tells us to be anxious for nothing. However, in 1 Corinthians 12:25, he tells us to...
The Crown Laid Up for Us
In 1 Thes 2:19-20, Paul calls these saints his hope, joy, and crown of boasting. The Apostle is...
Though Satan Hinders, God’s Purpose Prevails
Paul’s stay in Thessalonica was very brief before being driven out. The Apostle wanted the...
Suffering for Him Who Suffered for Us
In 1 Thess 1:6, Paul says that, by receiving the Gospel with joy despite much...
The Gospel is the Word of God
1 Thess 2:13, Paul thanks the Lord that the saints in Thessalonica received...
Like a Father With His Childrent
Paul uses familial metaphors to describe his ministry and motives in ministering to...
Holy, Righteous, and Blameless Conduct
As Paul continues refuting the allegations of his enemies, he reminds...
Motivated by Tender Love
As Paul refutes the allegations leveled at him, he reminds the Thessalonians of...
Unassailable Motives
As Paul continues defending himself against accusations of...
Otherworldly Motives
Paul’s detractors in Thessalonica accused him of preaching with...
Uncommon Valor
Persecution forced Paul to leave the fledgling church of Thessalonica to...
It’s Worth the Wait!
In 1 Thess 1:9-10, Paul says the new believers had turned from idols to...
Living the Gospel Out Loud
The fledgling church at Thessalonica had joyfully received the Gospel in much affliction. They were...
Contagious, Joyous Faith Even in Affliction
Paul joyously preached the Gospel with full conviction in much affliction and the Thessalonian saints imitated...
Be Imitators, Not Impersonators
In this age of extreme individualism, many are offended by the Biblical call to be imitators of Christ and of...
The Gospel in Word and Power
In 1 Thessalonians 1:5, Paul acknowledges that the saints received the Gospel, not in word only, but in...
Chosen and Loved By God
Paul thanks God for the active faith, expressive love, and patient hope of the fledgling church in...
Thanking God for Faith, Love, and Hope
Opposition forced Paul to leave Thessalonica prematurely. He was concerned for this fledging...
In God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ
While Paul uses the standard letter writing format of his day, he redeems it and sanctifies for the glory of...
Many Are Our Plans, But God
In Prov 19:21 tells us that, despite our many plans, the Lord's will prevails. This is not difficult to...